What is God asking us to do NOW?

The following questions are designed to facilitate prayerful reflection and discussion about the effects of the Coronavirus Lockdown, and how God wants us to move forward. Having the time and space to do this is a gift! What is God asking us to do NOW, to prepare for a world emerging from the pandemic?

“I encourage each of you to consider these questions and share your thoughts with us by submitting your responses via the link provided. This will enable us to plan and position our parish to positively respond to the needs of our community in a post-pandemic world.”   Fr John Hannon


“Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” Matthew 9:17

  1. How has the lockdown impacted my experience of God in my life?
  2. Where and how did you encounter God during this time?
  3. What has changed in your journey with God over this time and is it something you want to continue?


“When they drew near to the village to which they were going, he made as if to go on; but they pressed Him to stay with them.” Luke 24:28

  1. What have I missed most about not being able to go to our Church?
  2. Are there any things I am not missing?
  3. What kinds of ‘spiritual support’ have I offered to, or received from, others during the lockdown?
  4. How has the church/parish adapted to the limitations imposed by the lockdown?
  5. What positive changes should the church/parish keep going forward?


“Do not forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:18-19

  1. What should we celebrate as a church/parish following the lockdown and pandemic?
  2. Are there new / different things God is calling us to consider in the post-pandemic world?
  3. During the lockdown period, people have become more familiar with connecting on-line. How can we effectively use this new way of communicating in our church/ parish?
  4. What may be the enduring pastoral, economic and spiritual needs of our parish community following the lockdown?
  5. How can we share the joy of the Gospel in the post-pandemic context?

“Indeed, those who enjoy life most are those are those who leave security on the shore and become excited by the mission of communicating life to others.”  (The Joy of the Gospel -Pope Francis.)

Click here to respond to our online survey

Or use this printable sheet and then post your answers to the parish at 48a Lincoln Rd, Essendon.  Or you can email your responses to essendon@cam.org.au

If you are interested in participating in small group discussions around these questions please register your interest by emailing essendon@cam.org.au. Meetings will take place when we can gather again.


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