Keeping Our Parish Secure: Now and in The Future

9th April 2020

Dear Friends,

Keeping Our Parish Secure: Now and in The Future

We are grateful for the many parishioners who have gone to the trouble of being supportive of our parish in all ways, from staff,  to parish community services, maintenance for the material fabric of the church and surrounds, and recurrent expenditure of what amounts to a small business, but more importantly, a vibrant faith community, with all of its associated needs.  Let’s hope we can resume where we left off, after this dark cloud lifts.

In the current uncertain and anxious times we face, I understand you may face difficulty with continuing your generous giving to our parish support program.  I would like to express my appreciation on behalf of our whole parish community for your prior commitment to making a regular contribution.  

 For those continuing financial support I offer my thanks. For those who usually support the parish with weekly envelopes at Mass and wish to continue contributions, you will find details for direct deposit in the attached letter.


Warmest wishes to all for a very different Easter.

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