How to be a Synodal Church in Mission: Towards the Second Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, October 2024


The readings for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time remind us that service is the hallmark of a follower of Christ. This is an outward-looking, inclusive mission, and all people of goodwill are invited to participate. Rather than a luxurious and comfortable club for the privileged few, the Body of Christ is the diverse group of people everywhere who do God’s will, especially in meeting the immediate and physical needs of others. What is asked of each of our communities in this place and time? The synodal way and the readings for this week both call us to let go of what does not serve God’s mission. We are called to focus on concern and action for the common good as a living sign of the Kingdom of God present in our world. As we prepare to enter into the Second Session of the Synod on September 30, we give thanks for the opportunity to walk forward together as the Risen Lord strengthens us to continue to listen, dialogue and discern. Different cultures, perspectives and expressions are gifts to be given and received for mutual enrichment and transformation in this Spirit-led process. As pilgrims of hope, we pray that God continues to travel with us on our shared synodal journey.

Reflection written by Fiona Dyball



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